Positive and Optimistic
I have been creating art for a long time and a consistent theme in all my work has been a positive look at the subject. My positive message in my work is very much by choice. I want to focus my work on what is good and beautiful in the world around me, enjoying art is key in my life.
Over the years I have created work for several large companies, institutions and global marketing firms. A simple web search of my name will show the extent of my work on the auction markets today. Those works were created in very large edition and sold throughout the world.
This site is only my personal work in my studio. All work on this site are one-of-a-kind pieces or the original paintings or drawings. A few sculptures I do offer in different materials that I feel appropriate for the subject, and others are very limited-edition bronzes.
I will also be showing my sketches and field studies from time to time. All work is for sale. Anyone interested in purchasing my work can contact me at Gmcmoniglestudio@comcast.net
Curriculum vitae
George McMonigle studied at Temple University’s Tyler School of Fine Art, from 1970 to 1974 with a Major in Sculpture and Design. He has also received independent studies at Fleisher, Philadelphia College of Art, Cornell University and the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. From 1990 to 1998 George served on the Board (Committee of the Schools) for the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. His work is in numerous public and private collections throughout the world. He has been an elected member of the National Sculpture Society since 1989 and The Society of Animal Artist since 1980.
2023 Yellow Spring Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur , Villanova, PA
Chester County Studio Tour, Romansville Studio, PA
2022 Yellow Spring Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur , Villanova, PA
2021 Yellow Spring Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur , Villanova, PA
2020 National Sculpture Society , Brookgreen Gardens, SC
Society of Animal Artist , Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum, NJ
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, PA
Yellow Springs Art Show, PA
2019 Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Annual Fine Art Show, Villanova, PA
Yellow Spring Art Show, Yellow Springs PA
2018 Yellow Springs Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Annual Fine Art Show, Villanova, PA
2016 Yellow Springs Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Annual Fine Art Show, Villanova, PA
2015 Yellow Springs Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Annual Fine Art Show, Villanova, PA
Chester County Studio Tour, Romansville Studio, PA
2014 Society of Animal Show Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ
Booth Museum of Western Art, Cartersville, GA
Yellow Springs Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
Howard Gallery, New Hope, PA
Chester County Studio Tour, Romansville Studio, PA
2013 Society of Animal Artist annual show Hiram Art Museum, Oradell, NJ
Yellow Springs Art Show, Yellow Springs, PA
2012 Yellow Spring Annual Art Show, Historic Yellow Springs, PA
Bucks County Art Gallery, New Hope, PA
2011 Bucks County Chamber of Commerce Art Show, Bucks County, PA
Ward Foundation, Easton, MD
2010 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
2008 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
Benson Sculpture Park sculpture installation
2007 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
Beresford Gallery, Unionville, PA
2006 Garden Accents, Philadelphia Flower Show, PA
Howard Gallery, New Hope, PA
2005 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church sculpture installation, Marlton, NJ
2004 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
Messiah Lutheran Church sculpture installation, Downingtown, PA
2003 Sculpture Invitational Show, Loveland, CO
Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum, NJ
Society of Animal Artist Annual Show
2001 The Renaissance Show, Franklin Center, PA
Renaissance Award Bronze
2000 Society of Animal Artist Annual Show. Disney World, FL
Creative People Art Show, Woodmere Museum, Chestnut Hill, PA
1997 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
1996 UCONN Invitational Sculpture Show, University of Connecticut Hospital
National Sculpture Society Show, NY
1995 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
Creative People Art Show, Port of History Museum, Philadelphia
Society of Animal Artist Annual Show, Toronto, Canada
1994 Sculpture in the Park, Loveland, CO
Creative People Art Show, Philadelphia Museum of Art
1993 Society of Animal Artist, Tacoma, WA
FMCS Presentation, Florence, London and Scotland
1992 Franklin Mint Museum, Franklin Center, PA
Creative People Art Show, Franklin Center, PA
1991 Creative People Art Show, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia
Path of Peter the Great, Moscow, Berlin, St. Petersburg, USSR
1985 Society of Animal Artist, Saint Louis
1984 Society of Animal Artist Show, Cleveland Museum of Natural History
1983 Society of Animal Artist, New York, NY
National Sculpture Society Show, New York, NY
1974 Helen Boehm, Edward Marshal Boehm Studios, Trenton, NJ
1976 Franklin Porcelain Division of Franklin Mint, Franklin Center, PA
1978 National Audubon Society
1978 Russ Jenson, Delaware Museum of Natural History
Mrs. Jean Lister duPont, Newton Square, PA
1979 John E. duPont, Newtown Square, PA
1980 John E. duPont and the Delaware Museum of Natural History, DE
1982 Jack Lightburn, Royal Bank of Bermuda, Bermuda
1986 National Wildlife Federation
1987 Royal Society For The Protection of Birds
1990 Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve
1993 Great Bear Foundation
1994 Adopt a Wolf Foundation
1995 Hawk Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary, PA
1997 Ronald Reagan Library, CA
1998 Conservation International
2000 Lynda and Stuart Resnick, The Franklin Mint, Franklin Center, PA
2003 Messiah Lutheran Church, Downingtown, PA
2004 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Marlton, NJ
2008 Benson Park Sculpture Gardens, Loveland, CO
1978 Tahiti and Bora Bora
1983 Tobago and Trinidad
1986 Pen Nang Island, Malaysia
Osaka, Japan
Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China
1990 London, UK
1991 Malaysia and Borneo
Moscow and St. Petersburg, USSR
Berlin, Germany
1992 Bangkok, Thailand
Tokyo, Japan
1993 London and Scotland
Florence, Italy
1997 Malaysia
1999 Hong Kong, China
2000 Paris, France
Milan and Rome, Italy
Talks and Lectures
1989 Moore College of Art
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art
1991 FMCS “Pathways of Peter the Great” St Petersburg, USSR
1993 Philadelphia Art Alliance
1996 Detroit College for Creative Studies
1998 Ringling College of Art Design, FL
2000 Musee d’Orsay, Paris France
2013 W.I.S.E. Woman’s Group. Stonewall Country Club, Honey Brook, PA