george mcmonigle george mcmonigle

Painting idea today

Heron and Goldfinch

I’ve been exploring some ideas incorporating symbolic subjects.

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george mcmonigle george mcmonigle

Works in the studio

I’ve been making a living from my art for quite some time and feel I’ve been very fortunate doing what I have a passion for. The vast majority of my work of my work has been from commissions of all kinds and probably the work I love the most. Understanding a client’s needs and getting to know them is the first step in creating a work. When i create work for myself I go through the same process, but I become the client and need to search myself for the meaning of the piece. My positive message and core direction of all my work stays true to me in all my work.

As an Artist I always need to be exploring and studying the world around me with sketches and small paintings. I have quite a few sketchbooks filled with ideas and observations over the years< they are kind of my life journals.

On this blog I will be posting developments on current works and ideas, sketches and maquettes that I am currently working.

I welcome questions and discussions.

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george mcmonigle george mcmonigle

Bronze Sculpture

It all begins with an idea.

some early bronze sculptures, this is of a Snowy Owl titled Owl Flight.

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